It's been too long since you were updated about my business. Since last year we took the patio table and the glass topped table on our northern tour. It was an exciting time and for 115 days we covered Canada's great north all the way to the top to Tuktoyaktuk, NWT at 69 degrees north latitude. I was intrigued with the fact that not only isn't there any wood(no trees) but driftwood coming down the Mackenzie River is very valuable. Ancient peoples traded it with other communities for supplies. How I wished I had all my driftwood with me. Photo of Barb and I in Inuvik, NWT after driving the Dempster Highway 740 km of gravel to get there.
But that's another story so if you want to read about it go to: .
The patio table is in a loving home in Smithers but the glass topped one still sits proudly in my home and still for sale.
I am not gathering large pieces of driftwood unless by special order but if you have a request for something small made from driftwood by all means email me.
The patio table is in a loving home in Smithers but the glass topped one still sits proudly in my home and still for sale.
I am not gathering large pieces of driftwood unless by special order but if you have a request for something small made from driftwood by all means email me.