Thursday, August 04, 2005

There was a burl with a curl...

"There once was a burl with a curl and when it was bad it was".....Isn't that the way the song goes? Well just look at these 2 pictures of the burl we found on the beach over from our cabin. Now, taking driftwood from the ocean beaches goes against our pun intended. We really prefer the wood from the lakes. It's smoother and harder and less beaten up by the oceans tantrums.But this one sitting so proud on a downed log just begged to be taken home.

This was one of those rare days when we packed the chain saw in our 12ft aluminum boat just in case we'd find a treasure and it paid off. As I speak, Dave is cleaning the burl with the curl to sell as a little table. We bought a glass swirl(hard to describe) for its top. Its going to look stunning when it's done. Watch for the finished product in the next couple days.

Creating art out of natures driftwood is a never ending wonder for us. Nature has done the hard part in its creations and we simply enhance what we are given. There is an energy coming from wood that almost is soothing and empowering. We've seen people just stand there with their hands on a piece of wood with this far away look in their eyes. Is it the tactile or is it something deeper than that?
Whatever it is we never tire of finding yet another wooden treasure.

Our Harry Potter table sold and the 7 foot high sign post sold and is going to its new home in Comox on Vancouver Island. We sold pieces to visitors from across Canada at Loggers Sports, so I guess our wood is traveling even if we're not.
Keep smiling.

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